Model:consensus v.1 (MDP)
Parameter(s)N = 4, K = 4
Property:disagree (prob-reach)
Invocation (specific)
./ consensus.4.prism consensus.props -prop disagree -heuristic RTDP_ADJ -RTDP_ADJ_OPTS 1 -colourParams S:999999,Av:10,e:0.001,d:0.05,p:0.05,post:64 -const K=4
Walltime:> 1800s (Timeout)

Version: 2.0.beta3
Date: Fri Mar 20 01:24:54 UTC 2020
Hostname: 68eec9c801d9
Memory limits: cudd=1g, java(heap)=8.9g
Command line: prism consensus.4.prism consensus.props -prop disagree -heuristic RTDP_ADJ -RTDP_ADJ_OPTS 1 -colourParams 'S:999999;Av:10;e:0.001;d:0.05;p:0.05;post:64' -const K=4 -javamaxmem 10g

Parsing the model file "consensus.4.prism"...

Parsing properties file "consensus.props"...

5 properties:
(1) "c1": P>=1 [ F "finished" ]
(2) "c2": Pmin=? [ F "finished"&"all_coins_equal_1" ]
(3) "disagree": Pmax=? [ F "finished"&!"agree" ]
(4) "steps_max": R{"steps"}max=? [ F "finished" ]
(5) "steps_min": R{"steps"}min=? [ F "finished" ]

Type:        MDP
Modules:     process1 process2 process3 process4 
Variables:   counter pc1 coin1 pc2 coin2 pc3 coin3 pc4 coin4 


Model checking: "disagree": Pmax=? [ F "finished"&!"agree" ]
Model constants: K=4
Starting heuristic: RTDP_ADJ
IsMDP false Collapse false break false
ColourParams: S:999999 Av: 10 eps: 0.001 delta: 0.05 pmin: 0.05
TransDelta: 7.812507812507813E-11
HeuristicSG: Version try0

Computation aborted after 1800.122010231018 seconds since the total time limit of 1800 seconds was exceeded.